It is a +3 quarterstaff that allows the user to cast confusion at will.Ī Gilt-Covered Earthenware Pot-Shard of Opiconsivia: It is said that a Demigod of Protection, Plenty, and Prosperity once graced a modest party celebrating both a wedding, birth, and a funeral, in a small isolated village in the distant mountains just after harvest. The Thyrsus: This staff is wound with ivy and sprouts flowers at random intervals. Many duplicates can be found, but this is the true mask. The origin is unknown, but the visage is embedded in the minds of those saved at the saint’s hands. The True Mask of St Loque: An androgynous porcelain mask that St Loque was famously known to wear at all times. Attempting to use the opposing effect on the same day has no effect.

Alternatively, 1d4 times per day, the marquise may instead end an enchantment effect (selected at random) on a single target as if casting Dispel Magic at Level 3+1d3 this effect may not be used on the same day as the Envy effect. Affected targets can attempt a new save each round at the end of their turn. Until they save, affected targets turn upon the nearest creature (whether an ally or enemy) and attempt to disarm it of a valuable weapon, steal something it is holding, grapple it and strip it of something it prizes, or enter combat and attempt to kill it (your choice).
#Relics hero siege mod
Sentient creatures within the circle at the start of their turn must WIS save DC (10 + Casting Ability Mod + Prof Bonus) or be compelled with ongoing feelings of seething envy. Wielded by a neutrally aligned caster, after attunement for 24 hours, in bright light, this relic projects a 10 foot radius circle region within 100 feet of the staff. The Marquise of Vavasor He Ji: A fist-sized marquise-cut Alexandrite in a platinum and ruby studded cage atop a long staff. Up to 1d6 times per day, used to cast Knock, the instrument can open any door or opening, even going so far as to be able to cause a seal of up to five feet of solid stone to crumble to dust (although doing so uses all remaining charges, minimum 3)! Alternatively, while being played, as an action, (for up to 10 minutes per charge) the pipes have the effect of Turn Undead at 120 foot range, and with a saving throw DC of 12+Wis Bonus+Proficiency Mod. The khaen covers four octaves, in a diatonic scale. The Khaen of Bes: a simple and unassuming clay and bamboo, free-reed aerophone resembling a cross between an ocarina, a harmonica, and a pipe organ. It is said any melody played with it is sure to catch the ear of the gods. It was excavated, cleaned, and made into a pick for a lute/guitar per their request upon death. It is the finger bone of a once great Bard/Cleric, Gno Adagio, who wrote many hymns, poems, and writings about.

Gno's Picker: This is, surprisingly, a relic of a church of. Failing either check results in temporarily losing a level for one month. Anyone not affiliated with the deity may attempt a Medium-Hard DC Religion and a Hard Performance check (using this fiddle) to cast the same spell up to 1d3 times per day.

A cleric of the named deity may, 1d3 times per day, use it to cast Irresistible Dance. the trouble is, everyone who reads the inscription reads a different name. Orichalcum Fiddle: An inscription upon this golden colored metal fiddle made of celestial wood and strings of fine orichalcum reads the name of at least one demigod of music, mirth, and or dance.